Robert Kiyosaki Predicts Bitcoin Growth During Trump's Presidency and Criticizes Biden

Date: 2024-07-24 Author: Gabriel Deangelo Categories: CRYPTO PAYMENTS
Robert Kiyosaki, a famous entrepreneur, investor and author of the best-selling book Rich Dad Poor Dad, has made loud statements about the future of the US economy and the cryptocurrency market. In his recent forecast, he predicted a significant rise in the prices of gold, silver and Bitcoin if Donald Trump returns to the US presidency, while sharply criticizing current President Joe Biden.

Reasons for the Rising Prices of Gold, Silver and Bitcoin

According to Kiyosaki, Donald Trump's policies aimed at weakening the dollar and stimulating exports will lead to significant increases in the prices of key assets such as gold, silver and bitcoin. A weakening dollar, according to Kiyosaki, will contribute to the return of jobs to the United States, the opening of new factories and, as a result, an increase in the value of assets.

Kiyosaki voiced specific forecasts for the gold, silver and bitcoin markets:
- Gold: up to $3300 per ounce
- Silver: up to $79 per ounce
- Bitcoin: up to $105,000 by August 2025

These forecasts are based on expectations that Trump's economic policies will boost the value of inflation-protective assets.

Kiyosaki also noted that Trump plans to resume oil production in the United States, which, in his opinion, will lead to lower oil prices. He compared this to the actions of Joe Biden, who canceled the Keystone XL oil pipeline project, which, according to Kiyosaki, caused a significant increase in oil prices and contributed to rising inflation.

Criticism of Joe Biden

Kiyosaki has been highly critical of Joe Biden over his energy policies and economic management. He argued that Biden's decisions, such as killing the Keystone XL oil pipeline, have led to higher oil prices and significant inflation, hurting the poor and middle class. Kiyosaki said Biden had to tap the country's strategic oil reserves because of oil shortages, which he called a sign of incompetence. Kiyosaki directly called Biden an idiot, claiming that Trump can “make America great again.”

It is worth noting that Robert Kiyosaki previously predicted the largest crash in history and Bitcoin's rise to $10 million. These statements underscore his belief that cryptocurrencies and precious metals will remain the main assets to protect against economic instability.

Robert Kiyosaki's forecasts for the future of the US economy and asset markets underscore his confidence in the positive impact of Donald Trump's policies on the rise in the value of gold, silver and Bitcoin. At the same time, he does not skimp on criticism of current President Joe Biden, accusing him of economic incompetence and creating conditions for inflation. No matter how the situation develops, Kiyosaki's opinion remains significant for many investors and economists.

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