According to informed sources, the entrepreneur left France on the morning of March 15 with the judge's approval. His absence is expected to last several weeks. According to available information, he went to Dubai.
It was previously reported that the authorities granted Durov's request to make certain adjustments to the conditions of his control and detention.
Recall that the businessman was detained on the evening of August 24, 2024, at Le Bourget Airport. He was charged with complicity in the distribution of drugs and child pornography, as well as refusing to provide data requested by the authorities.
Five days after his detention, the court ordered Durov to be released on bail of €5 million. He was ordered to report to the police twice a week and was prohibited from leaving the country.
The first interrogation on the merits of the case took place on December 6, 2024. According to government officials, Durov's trial will likely not begin before 2026.