According to the app, the monthly audience of “tappers” has decreased from 300 million to 40.9 million by early November. The price of the HMSTR token, which started at $0.011 during the listing on September 26, has now fallen to $0.002431, according to CoinGecko.
In early July, Telegram founder Pavel Durov called Hamster Kombat an “internet phenomenon” and “the fastest-growing digital service.” However, long delays in the listing date on major exchanges and limited access to the airdrop have caused disappointment among the community.
Of the total number of users, only 131 million players received tokens, and approximately 2.3 million were blocked for using cheating methods.
In mid-October, the developers of Hamster Kombat hinted at the upcoming launch of the second season of the game and commented on the fall in the value of HMSTR. Also earlier, the creator of Notcoin Alexander Plotvinov expressed doubts about the sustainability of the Tap-to-Earn model, where users are motivated solely by the opportunity to earn money.