Durov was arrested on August 24, 2024, at Le Bourget Airport on charges of aiding drug trafficking, child pornography, and refusing to cooperate with authorities. Five days later, he was released on €5 million bail with a ban on leaving France. He denies all charges. In December, he was questioned for the first time on the merits of the case, but details have not been disclosed.
Interest in Telegram arose after the refusal to disclose the details of a user suspected of a crime. Later, the J3 cybercrime unit joined the case. Authorities noted that after the policy changes, the messenger began to more actively assist in investigations, especially those related to drug trafficking. The platform's representatives not only remove prohibited content, but also promptly respond to law enforcement requests.
According to Wired, while Durov remains in France, Telegram investors are concerned about the company's future, and the messenger's team is unsure whether a change in leadership will be required. Some fear that the lawsuit could negatively affect the platform's development.