Worldcoin Launches Test Blockchain for Developers: World Chain

Date: 2024-07-12 Author: Gabriel Deangelo Categories: BLOCKCHAIN
The Worldcoin project, aimed at digital personal identification, presented a test version of its own blockchain for developers called World Chain. This new platform promises to be an important step in the development of digital identity and user interaction with various services.

Features of World Chain

World Chain is envisioned as a “permissionless, open source, and independently governed” platform that will allow Worldcoin users to link their verified identities to third-party services. These services include stablecoin financing, international money transfers and commerce, expanding users' ability to interact with a wide range of digital applications.

The test version of World Chain will provide developers with the opportunity to begin building and testing applications before the network is publicly deployed. With over 10 million users in 160 countries, Worldcoin is preparing for a major migration of all World ID wallet app users to the new network later this year. This is an important stage that will ensure a smooth transition and adaptation to the new conditions for using the blockchain.

Benefits of Scalability

One of the key reasons for moving to World Chain's own blockchain, based on Ethereum's layer 2 called Optimism, is the need for scalability. Worldcoin developers note that currently 50% of all activity on Optimism is generated by Worldcoin users, and at peak periods this figure reaches 80%. The launch of World Chain will double the network capacity while maintaining a high level of security, which is a priority for developers.

The World Chain concept was first announced in April and aims to address current blockchain inefficiencies when dealing with World ID user identities. This new platform promises to be the foundation for more efficient and secure use of digital identity across a variety of applications and services.

The launch of the test version of World Chain opens new horizons for developers and users, offering a platform with improved scalability and security. The move to Worldcoin's proprietary blockchain marks an important step in the evolution of digital identity, allowing users' verified identities to be integrated with a variety of third-party services and applications.

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