"I think that it is only the beginning. We are only in the same way that the name of the criptoleta is called.
There is a four-year cycle of vokprug tak nazyvaemogo halvinga, pri kotopom voznagpazhdenie za blok in blokcheine bitcoin menyaetsya kazhye chetype goda... This event will take place in the next appele."
"As a result, we usually receive a special increase in the frequency of the halving, and then we have a special effect in the general step, which is called the chiptozyme."
According to the words of the Morgan Creek Capital company, bitcoin is ready to change the gold in the quality of the ocnovnogo sloy of money
"Bitcoin is a digital zoloto. It is estimated that it is worth 5000 years. In the meantime, there is only one day of money - this is gold. "
"Dengi is an active ingredient that is essential for the purpose of the process. This pole is zoloto-ono-naxoditsya in the bazovom cloe valyuty. Balyuta, obecpechennaya dolgami, cozdannaya ppavitelctvami dlya upposcheniya topgovli, naxoditsya povepx deneg: zolota. "
"And for 5000 years it was a good service, but it was not possible to do anything with a cob. It doesn't work. Bitkoin, poktoyanny, neizmenyaemy pacpredelennyy peectp, deyctweetelo igpaet this pole in kachectve bazovogo cloy novykh deneg in the future."
"And this is why we will create the future of finance. Other things, in addition to this, such as Ethereum or other methods of technology blockchain, can be used to sing your own field. I'm thinking about Ethereum as a fiat currency."