Now customers will be able to report suspicious behavior of other market participants and receive a $5 voucher for each confirmed fraud.
To participate, you need to send a report in English about suspicious activity to Binance P2P using the binary survey form. Therefore, the user must indicate his email and User ID. In addition, he should provide evidence of fraud.
The Binance P2P team will review messages within 28 business days.
Representatives of the company noted that the top three Super Ninjas with the largest number of carefully verified reports will receive another 50 USDT vouchers.
Possible methods of scam on P2P:
Customer service representative posing as a fake.
In fact, the receipts are fake;
SMS and email that are fake.
Fraud involving multiple orders and parallel use of funds (Triangle scam).
The program will run from September 14 to November 13.